…okay, so my second New Year’s resolution to share with you this week is to get all my family and friend’s birthdays/special occasions organized into one place. And after getting organized, I want to always send a handwritten note – on time! Easier said than done in my world of craziness! Now I could use one of my many devices (my cell, iPad, Facebook, Outlook), but why would I do that when there is Rifle Paper Company – possibly the cutest paper goods shop out there…

anna bond, founder of rifle paper co.
Now whether you need to get organized like me or just love paper goods, this online boutique is beyond adorable! I literally swoon over every little thing I see. From the beautiful, hand painted illustrations to the cute sayings in whimsical fonts, it is hard not to buy something. (This was my first purchase that is sitting on our counter right now!) So there is a couple ways we can make this resolution happen – either with a calendar or a journal. What do you prefer?

cities calendar ($26) - it’s one way to travel the world…

botanical journals – canary, blue, and rose ($15 ea)
Now after we get all these special days into one place (I know – it’s almost too beautiful to write in!), it’s time to stock up on some of the cutest cards EVER…

happy birthday ($4.50 ea)

just for fun…french cards ($4.50 ea)

stay in touch…assorted “hello” cards ($18)

thank you cards ($4.50 ea)…always good to stock up
Thank you Rifle Paper Co. for helping with my New Year’s resolution! There is something about having a beautiful place to house the most important days of the year. Here’s to never missing the celebration!
xx…btq girl
*all images from riflepaperco.com