…so yes it is true, registering for your wedding is SUPER fun! But I also found it to be a bit stressful. Now don’t get me wrong, I can shop with the best of them and home goods ARE one of my favorite categories, but putting together a complete list of everything we need? It’s not as easy as I had anticipated! And don’t even get me started on all the different pots and pans! Needless to say, I had to call in the experts – Bloomingdale’s and, of course, my mom!
Bloomingdale’s has the most amazing registry program and I would highly recommend it to anyone with an upcoming wedding, birthday, celebration, whatever it may be! Not only did we have a personal Registry Consultant that helped us, there were gift bags and registry guides, and they took full interest in helping us find all the right things – even if I did change my mind 3 times! But it was this little “official” checklist that inspired me to write this post! It is full of so much amazing info…
The perfect, handbag friendly checklist covers all the topics you need to know for all things registry related. From the table to the kitchen and even to the bedroom, Bloomie’s helps steer you in the right direction. Here are the details…
Now of course you can manage your registry online - add and delete items, use tools like Set Your Table, and the Thank You Card manager – which is so convenient, but don’t you want to go in the store and use the registry gun?? I do!
xx…btq girl