…Coco Chanel once said “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Well what is happening, my friends, is my new obsession with Vineyard Vintage. It is the end all, be all of beyond amazing, vintage Chanel jewels.
Just a couple days ago, I was catching up with a friend and she told me about this website. I scribbled it on a little purple post-it and as I was cleaning up my desk Wednesday afternoon, I found it and decided to check it out. No surprise, it was love at first sight! I mean come on – Chanel gold dog tags graced the home page. It’s a no brainer I was going to fall in love.
Vineyard Vintage encompasses all things related to Chanel vintage jewelry – necklaces, bracelets, earrings, even scarves – all genuine and authentic of course. (TheBoutique411 is against anything imposter or replica related.) Christina, the owner and creator of Vineyard Vintage, started 5 years ago selling on ebay and after gaining some great clients, she decided to launch her own online boutique. As for collecting the Chanel pieces featured, there are a few ways she acquires them. She plans shopping trips (I’m available anytime you need an assistant Christina!), she has people that call her with pieces from family estates, or personal shoppers know as pickers will reach out to her with special and sometimes rare pieces. It was amazing to learn how this works. Here are some of the amazing finds below.
Now for all of you who have received your latest issue of Elle Magazine (and for those that don’t have it, go get it!), Vineyard Vintage supplied a ton of the jewelry for October’s fashion spread with the VS Angels including 3 of the 4 cover looks! Check it out…
And as if it couldn’t get any better, Christina was beyond sweet in giving us all 10% off any purchase by using the code “ELLE” during check out!! So I recommend a quick click to www.vineyardvintage.com because these are one of a kind pieces and once they are sold, c’est la vie.
Happy CHANEL shopping.
xx..btq girl
vineyard vintage: www.vineyardvintage.com
*images courtesy of vineyard vintage, elle.com, and stylefrizz.com