I can admit it. I have a major shoe obsession. I see them, I love them, I want them…which in turn equals trouble. So needless to say, when my boyfriend got the invite to the opening of the Giuseppe Zanotti Boutique (one of my ultimate favorite shoe designers) in Beverly Hills, I cleared the calendar for the evening!
For a tid bit on the designer, Giuseppe Zanotti grew up in a little town in Italy that is known for its pristine shoe manufacturing capabilities. After a stint as a DJ, his passion for women’s feet later moved him into freelancing for small shoe craftsmen and later working for the larger fashion houses. In the early 90’s, he decided to go out on his own, buy a factory, and create one of the most gorgeous shoe collections out there. (Mr. Zanotti – we thank you for doing this!) He has collaborated with numerous fashion designers – my favorite being his collection for Balmain. If you didn’t see this, google please.
With many stores around the world, the Giuseppe Beverly Hills boutique is the latest location to open. It has actually been open for a few months now, but last night was the official opening party. I took one of my girlfriends with me as I needed a support group and I knew my boyfriend was not interested in listening to me oohhh and ahhh over every stiletto in sight.
As we arrived, we made our way into the small, yet perfect size, shoe boutique. It was gorgeous and everything I had expected. Snakeskin, leather, silk, polka dot…white lacquer shelves gave each shoe its moment in the spotlight. Clutches were also merchandised throughout driving home the need to make a purchase. I felt like a kid in a candy store with no idea which candy I wanted to buy! There were so many to choose from…
As with any party in LA, there had to be a celebrity or two to cause a stir – Lindsay Lohan and Kanye West arriving (not together of course) to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Zanotti…
But regardless of the celebrity buzz, the true focus was on these beautifully crafted little gems…and they deserved every bit of the attention. If your in need of a new pair of shoes - evening, work, everyday, whatever – stop in here. You will not be disappointed.
xx…btq girl
giuseppe zanotti: 9536 brighton way.beverly hills.ca.90210. 310-550-5760. www.giuseppezanottidesign.com
*images courtesy stylerumor.com and my andriod