get ready for the biggest shopping day of the year: fashion’s night out…

…it’s back and BIGGER than ever!! Considering we live for this magical holiday, it is important we mark the dates now! We heard the amazing news on Friday that the US will host Fashion’s Night Out events on September 6th, 2012. But this year, FNO is being celebrated in 19 different countries, spanning a 3 week period. Here is the rundown…can’t wait!


and the fno countdown begins now!


Sept 6th: US, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Australia, Korea, Russia, Mexico, and Spain

Sept 7th: Germany, India, Russia, China

Sept 8th: Japan and Taiwan

Sept 10th and 12th: Brazil

Sept 13th:Turkey, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands

Sept 18th: Italy

Sept 20th and 25th: Greece


As soon as we start getting all the info on the nights festivities, we can promise you will be the first to know!


xx…btq girl

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